Down Payment Requirement And Mortgage Guidelines

Down Payment Requirement on a Home Purchase

In this blog, we will cover and discuss the down payment requirement on a home purchase. We know saving for a house takes time and discipline. At Non-QM Mortgage Lenders, we help many clients tackle the mortgage buying process. One of the main obstacles preventing Americans from buying a home is the down payment requirement.

Even with today’s low-down-payment options, saving enough to close on a mortgage is difficult. In this blog, we will detail the down payment requirements with the different loan types. We will discuss a brief summary of down payment assistance programs, and tips to help you save for your down payment.

What Are The Down Payment Requirement On A Home Purchase

In a recent survey, a percentage of Americans thought the down payment requirement on a home purchase was 20%. This is 100% a myth. In fact, there are even no down payment options available in today’s mortgage market. See the different loan types and down payment requirements below:

  • USDA allows 100% financing 
  • VA allows 100% financing
  • FHA requires a 3.5% down payment 
  • Conventional requires a 3% down payment for first-time home buyers AND 5% for a non-first-time home buyer

NON-QM requires at least a 10% down payment.

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Case Scenario On Home Purchase


$250,000 Purchase price:

  • 3% down payment = $7,500 (conventional first-time home buyer)
  • 3.5% down payment = $8,750 (FHA)
  • 5% down payment = $12,500 (conventional non-first-time home buyer)
  • 10% down payment = $25,000 (NON-QM)

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Those are the minimum down payment requirements per loan program, there are instances where you will need a larger down payment. An example of this is an FHA loan with credit scores of 579 or lower. Any FHA mortgage with a credit score below 580 will require a minimum of a 10% down payment.

10% is a large number, that is why we help many of our clients work on their credit until they get above the 580 mark. Please see our blog on RAISING CREDIT SCORES for more information. Another example of needing a larger down payment could be a NON-QM loan. If you cannot provide verification of rent, a larger down payment is required.

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Qualifying For Down Payment Assistance Programs

Non-QM Mortgage Lenders currently participate in multiple down payment assistance programs. These programs have different requirements at the state level but are available in most states. Certain states such as Wisconsin have strict down payment assistance requirements. Please give us a call for more information on your state. The Chenoa Fund is one of the most popular down payment assistance programs available.

This program can cover your entire 3.5% down payment for an FHA loan or can be paired with the FANNIE MAE HOMEREADY conventional loan program. Programs such as the CHENOA FUND, 2% GRANT, or state-level down payment assistance programs are available through Non-QM Mortgage Lenders. We also offer Texas-specific down payment programs. Please see our blog on TSAHC requirements. Texas is one of our most active lending states where we are licensed. Give Mike Gracz a call at (800) 900-8569 or send an email to for more information on our down payment assistance programs.

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Saving For A Down Payment For Home Purchase

Saving For A Down Payment For Home Purchase


Saving for a down payment will not be easy. It will require discipline and structure. Over the years we have heard of many different strategies for saving money. We will share a couple of good ideas with you. In the year 2019, the majority of Americans are paid by their employer with a direct deposit. Most of the time you can break this direct deposit up into more than one bank account. I have had clients who set up a separate bank account at a separate bank to keep their money out of sight and out of mind.

Sending a portion of your paycheck to a separate bank account will help you consistently save money. Another strategy many Americans use for the down payment is using their retirement funds. Many retirement plans have specific withdrawal options if the money will be used to purchase a primary residence. Check with your retirement plan provider for further details. Typically, this is outlined in the terms of withdrawal.

Down Payment Requirement: Using Gift Funds For Down Payment On Home Purchase

Using Gift Funds For Down Payment On Home Purchase


Gift funds are also very popular for the down payment. Gift funds are typically from your family or sometimes your employer. These can help bridge the gap from renting to homeownership. If you have somebody who loves you, they may help you with your down payment. Giving funds is acceptable on most loan programs. For more specifics please see our blog on GIFT FUNDS.

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Qualifying For A Mortgage With A Direct Lender With No Lender Overlays

Non-QM Mortgage Lenders are mortgage lending experts without LENDER OVERLAYS. We have helped numerous clients save for their down payments. If you have been turned down by another lender, we encourage you to call us. We are able to help more borrowers than most lenders due to lender overlays. If you do not qualify, we will put you on a custom financial plan to qualify as soon as possible. As stated above, the down payment is one of the biggest hurdles to jump over when buying a home.

For any mortgage questions please call Mike Gracz at (800) 900-8569 or email Mike at! We are available seven days a week for any questions on down payments! The team at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders are also experts in originating and funding non-QM loans. Some of our most popular non-QM loan programs are non-QM mortgages one day out of bankruptcy and foreclosure, 12-month bank statement mortgages, asset-depletion loan programs, fix and flip loans for real estate investors, P and L stated income mortgage programs, and dozens of other alternative non-QM loan programs for owner-occupant homes, second homes, and investment properties.

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