Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA Mortgage Loan Program

Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA Mortgage Loan

This Article Is About Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA Mortgage Loan 

If you had to file bankruptcy or had a foreclosure, there are mandatory waiting periods if you want to get an FHA loan.

  • The waiting period is 2 years from the date of your bankruptcy discharge date
  • The waiting period is three years from the date of a short sale as reflected on the HUD
  • The waiting period is three years after the recorded date of a foreclosure or deed in lieu of the foreclosure
  • Just because a person had waited out the mandatory waiting period does not automatically qualify the borrower for a mortgage loan
  • Mortgage lenders need to see that the borrower has had no late payments after a bankruptcy and/or foreclosure and has re-established credit
  • Most mortgage lenders also require rental verification
  • For those who have no established traditional credit, non-traditional credit can be substituted such as phone bill payments, utility payments, and rental verification

In this article, we will discuss and cover Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA Mortgage Loan.

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Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA Mortgage Loan Program Shortens Waiting Period

Why the FHA mortgage program cuts the waiting period

FHA announced that the Back to Work mortgage loan program is effective.

  • The Back to Work extenuating circumstances FHA mortgage program is a program that was implemented to offer certain select borrowers
  • Borrowers who have suffered a bankruptcy, foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, short sale due to extenuating circumstances such as a job loss or paycheck reduction for at least six months prior to them going into foreclosure of having to file for bankruptcy can qualify for an FHA loan one year after bankruptcy and/or foreclosure

Not everyone qualifies and these Back to Work mortgage loans are all manually underwritten and only mortgage lenders who manually underwrite can do these loans.

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Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances FHA mortgage Loan Program Requirements

In order to qualify for the Back to Work mortgage program, the applicant needs to have had at least a 20% reduction of income or household income or have been unemployed for a period of six months or more preceding the foreclosure or bankruptcy.

  • This fact needs to be fully documentation and a letter of explanation is not sufficient. 
  • Divorce is not a valid reason for the loss of income
  • The Back to Work applicant needs to have re-established credit and needs to prove that he or she is back to work and is able to make his or her new mortgage payment
  • The applicant needs to show that he or she has been timely with all of his or her monthly payments for the past 12 months
  • The applicant needs to prove that he or she has been timely with his or her monthly rental payments for the past 12 months so rental verification is a requirement
  • Rental verification is proven by providing the lender proof of canceled checks for the prior 12 months
  • This holds true unless the renter is renting from a licensed property management company in which a letter from the property manager will be sufficient

The applicant needs to take a one-hour HUD-certified course.  The mortgage application until 30 days after the borrower provides the HUD course certificate.

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UPDATE On Mortgage Loans After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

What is 2017 UPDATE On Mortgage Loans After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

The FHA Back To Work Extenuating Circumstances due to an economic event mortgage loan program has been discontinued.

  • However, Non-QM Mortgage Lenders has launched NON-QM Loans where there is no waiting period after bankruptcy, foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, short sale.
  • However, a 10% to 20% down payment is required.
  • Non-QM Mortgage Lenders also launched the Bank Statement Mortgage Loan Program for self-employed borrowers where no tax returns are required.
  • Income is calculated by bank deposits and not withdrawals.

For more information, please contact us at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders at 800-900-8569 for a faster response. Borrowers can also email us at We are available 7 days a week, evenings, weekends, and holidays.

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