Best States To Move To

The Best States To Move To and States People Are Leaving

Best States to Move To in 2024: Why are Americans Moving and Where They’re Headed?

The landscape of where Americans choose to live has changed drastically over the past few years. From skyrocketing home prices to new remote work opportunities, more people are moving across state lines in search of better living conditions. This blog will cover the best states to move to in 2024 and explore why people leave high-cost, high-tax areas for states with more affordable housing and lower taxes. If you’ve been priced out of your local market, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

Why Are People Moving to New States in 2024?

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we live and work has undergone a major shift. Many companies went remote, and while it was initially thought to be temporary, remote work is here to stay. This change opened up new opportunities for people. No longer tied to living near their workplace, employees are free to move to states with better housing markets, lower taxes, and a more affordable cost of living.

At the same time, rising home prices and high property taxes in states like California, New York, and Illinois are forcing people to look elsewhere.

The average home price in California has made it nearly impossible for middle-income earners to buy a home. This has led to a mass exodus to more affordable states. This article will highlight the best states to move to in 2024 and why so many people are packing up and heading to new places.

The Rise of Remote Work and Its Impact on Where People Live

The American workforce has seen a permanent integration of remote work. This change has enabled workers to relocate to states where they can maximize their resources. Instead of facing high rent or mortgage costs in major cities, employees are moving to areas with more affordable housing, reduced taxes, and improved quality of life.

In fact, companies are encouraging remote work to save on overhead costs. Businesses can downsize or eliminate their brick-and-mortar locations without needing large office spaces, saving thousands of dollars annually. Remote workers, in turn, no longer need to live close to the office. This opens the door for people to explore the best states to move to, especially those offering affordable housing and low cost of living.

Best States to Move To in 2024: Top Picks for Remote Workers and Homebuyers

1. Texas

Texas remains one of the most popular states for people looking to relocate. With no state income tax, affordable housing, and a booming job market, it’s no wonder people are flocking to the Lone Star State. Cities like Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio are hot spots for new residents. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade, Texas offers a variety of housing options at much lower prices than states like California or New York.

Why Move to Texas?

  • No state income tax
  • Affordable housing
  • Strong job market
  • Diverse economy

2. Florida

Florida is another popular choice for people leaving high-tax states. The Sunshine State offers affordable living, no state income tax, and a growing job market. Florida is a top contender if you’re looking for warm weather and lower housing costs. Plus, the state is very retirement-friendly, making it ideal for those planning for the future.

Why Move to Florida?

  • No state income tax
  • Low cost of living
  • Warm climate
  • Ideal for retirees

3. Tennessee

Thanks to its low taxes and affordable real estate, Tennessee has become one of the best states to move to. Cities like Nashville and Chattanooga offer a blend of culture, entertainment, and job opportunities, making Tennessee attractive to young professionals and families alike. The state has no income tax and boasts some of the most affordable property taxes in the nation, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to maximize their financial resources.

Why Move to Tennessee?

  • No state income tax
  • Affordable housing
  • Growing cities
  • Great quality of life

4. North Carolina

North Carolina has long been known for its natural beauty, but it’s also becoming a hot spot for new residents. This hidden gem offers a lower cost of living, affordable housing, and strong job growth in tech and healthcare. Raleigh and Charlotte, two of the quickest expanding cities in the nation, are perfect for individuals looking to buy or rent a home.

Why Move to North Carolina?

  • Affordable cost of living
  • Growing job market
  • Scenic landscapes
  • Family-friendly communities


If you’re looking for a state with warm weather and affordable housing, Arizona should be on your list. Cities like Phoenix and Tucson offer a lower cost of living than other parts of the country, and the state’s economy continues to grow. Arizona also attracts retirees due to its mild winters and outdoor lifestyle.

Why Move to Arizona?

  • Low cost of living
  • Warm climate
  • Affordable housing
  • Booming economy

States People Are Leaving: High Taxes and Rising Home Prices

While some states are attracting new residents, others are losing people at an alarming rate. Many Americans are fleeing high-cost states where homeownership dreams feel out of reach. Here are the top states people are leaving in 2024:

1. California

California has been losing residents for years due to its high taxes, astronomical home prices, and increasing cost of living. The average home price in the state has reached nearly $800,000, making it difficult for middle-income earners to afford a house. Combine that with high state income taxes, and it’s easy to see why people are heading elsewhere.

2. New York

New York, especially New York City, has seen a decline in population as people seek more affordable housing and lower taxes. The cost of living in New York City is one of the highest in the nation, and residents are finding that their money goes further in other states like Florida and Texas.

3. Illinois

Illinois is another state experiencing a mass exodus due to high property taxes and financial mismanagement. Chicago, in particular, has seen its residents flee to nearby states where the cost of living is significantly lower. Many businesses are also leaving the state due to its heavy tax burden.

What If You’re Priced Out of the Housing Market?

For many Americans, especially in high-cost states like California, the dream of owning a home seems impossible. If you’re feeling priced out of your local housing market, it’s time to consider moving to one of the best states to move to in 2024. With remote work making relocating easier, now is the perfect time to take advantage of lower housing prices and better opportunities elsewhere.

Imagine moving from a $800,000 home in Los Angeles to a similar property in a state like Georgia or Tennessee for a fraction of the cost. Moving to a state with lower living costs helps you make your income last longer and enjoy a better quality of life.

How to Buy a Home in a New State: What You Need to Know

Moving to a new state is an exciting opportunity but requires some planning. Here are a few tips for buying a home in one of the best states to move to:

  1. Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage: Before you start house hunting, make sure you’re pre-approved for a mortgage. This will give you a clear understanding of how much home you can afford and show sellers you’re serious.
  2. Research Local Housing Markets: Every state has different housing markets. Research to find out where you can get the most value for your money. Look into factors like property taxes, average home prices, and crime rates to help make an informed decision.
  3. Work with a Local Real Estate Agent: When moving, it’s important to work with a real estate agent who understands the local market. These agents can assist you in locating the perfect home, guide you through the purchasing process, and steer you clear of typical pitfalls.
  4. Consider Your Lifestyle: Moving to a new state is more than finding an affordable home. Ensure that the state you choose matches your way of life, including convenient access to outdoor pursuits, a robust educational system, or a flourishing employment sector.




In this blog, we will cover and discuss the best states to move to and states people are leaving. The coronavirus outbreak in February 2020 has changed the way we live forever. The whole country shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak or so-called pandemic. A lot of fear-mongering was going on by most state governors.

The coronavirus fear has created new challenges for some and opportunities for other Americans. We will cover and discuss how the coronavirus outbreak has changed the way we live and work. More and more companies are going virtual if they can and changing to a remote workforce. A remote workforce is also creating opportunities for workers to move anywhere they like out of state and find affordable housing.

How Coronavirus Outbreak Has Changed The Way Americans Work

The coronavirus outbreak not only shut down the whole country for an extended period of time, but it also changed the way we work. Many workers went virtual and minimizing reporting to work and becoming remote workers seems to be the way of life in America. The coronavirus outbreak of 2022 has changed the workplace.

What Is The Future of Remote Work Post COVID-19 ERA

Remote workers were told them working remotely would be temporary. However, most employers like the fact remote workers are more productive saves the company the expensive brick-and-mortar expense and saves commuting time for everyone in an organization, the remote worker concept not only remains but has been growing exponentially post-COVID-19. In the following paragraphs, we will cover the best states to move to for remote workers and those who live in states they have been priced out of the housing market.

COVID-19 Outbreak Turns Many Companies Go Remote Workers

A large number of small and medium-sized companies changed their business model to remote workers. By going remote, a company saved tens of thousands of dollars in eliminating or downsizing its brick-and-mortar operations. Rent and office expenses are one of the largest expenses for any size business.

Remote Work Is Here To Stay

By going virtual, companies benefited not just from cutting their brick-and-mortar expenses but also from employees becoming much more productive. Going remote workers created opportunities for workers. Now, employees did not have to live nearby their brick and mortgage locations.

Remote Work Is a Permanent Fixture

Martin Blank, the director of business development for veterans at Preferred Mortgage Rates, Inc. has been doing research with his team at PMR and affiliate companies, and found the following:
Employees no longer needed to drive and be stuck in rush hour traffic for over an hour each way to work.

How COVID-19 Has  Changed The Workplace

It is not just the commute time workers were eliminated, but also the skyrocketing cost of fuel and the wear and tear on their vehicles that were a bonus and unexpected benefit. The biggest opportunity out of this whole coronavirus fear-mongering national scare was the fact that workers can now purchase a home anywhere in the nation with no restrictions as to where the nearest brick-and-mortar location was.  Technology came to the rescue with the COVID-19 outbreak in February 2020. There were thousands of hard-working Americans in many high-cost counties in California and other states priced out of the housing market due to high home prices.

Can Remote Workers Buy a House In Another State and Get a Mortgage?

Many Americans in California making well over six figures annually were priced out of the housing market for life. They could never afford a home in their area with their high salary. An average 2,000-square-foot home in Los Angeles has a medium price of $795,000.  Now, remote workers have an opportunity to buy a house in a state with affordable housing and get a mortgage. The American dream of homeownership has been revived by many folks who gave up on ever owning a home.

There is no way in the world someone making $120,000 per year can afford a $795,000 home. This is when tens of thousands of homeowners in California and other high-taxed states had a massive exodus to lower-taxed states with low costs of living and affordable housing.

Employer Distance Requirements Versus Remote Workers

Never in American history have so many Americans taken the challenge of moving long distances because of better opportunities, not just low taxes and low cost of living, but mainly due to affordable housing.

People in California who completely gave up ever being a homeowner were not thinking twice to move to other low-taxed states with affordable housing such as Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, Utah, Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, North Carolina, and a slew of other states where you get more of your money. America going remote employment opportunity now had every state in the nation compete with each other to keep its taxpayers from fleeing.

The Best States To Move To

Many people are not thinking twice about leaving their state for a better opportunity for themselves and their families. Many Americans in high-taxed states and high-taxed cities are leaving and headed to the best states to move to. The list is unanimous on the reasons why Americans in high-tax areas are fleeing in the tens of thousands. Housing prices have skyrocketed in the past few years. In the past two years, home prices surged 45%. Inflation is like an out-of-control freight train with no signs of slowing.

What If You Are Priced Out of Buying a Home?

Housing prices are becoming unattainable. Mortgage rates went from a historic low of 2.25% just over a year ago to over 7.25% today for prime borrowers. With housing prices skyrocketing, so are rents. A $1,500 apartment in a median-priced county one year ago is not renting for $2,300.

While home prices with surging with no sign of correction and mortgage rates are at a 20-year high with inflation out of control, the wages of an American worker still remain the same. We all know everything costs less in one state versus another. There are over a dozen states with no state income taxes.

The Best States To Move To With Low Cost of Living

You can get so much more bang for the buck in one state versus another. For example, a homebuyer of a two-bedroom, one-bath, on one-quarter of an acre $800,000 1,500 square foot home in Los Angeles County can purchase a similar home in Georgia for $160,000.
The best states to move to in the nation are states with low cost of living, strong job markets, affordable housing, great school system, low crime rate, low property taxes, few regulations, and growth-friendly. State governors are now competing for taxpayers and new businesses relocating to their home state.

States People Are Leaving

There are over a dozen states that are seeing a massive out-migration of taxpayers.  It is not just taxpayers who are fleeing to the low cost of living and low-taxed states, but businesses of all sizes. Mom-and-pop shops to corporate giants are fleeing states like New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and a handful of other states due to mismanagement from politicians, high taxes, high out-of-control home prices, and dozens of other issues. Over 20% of our borrowers at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders are clients who are fleeing one state and moving to another state with a low cost of living and affordable housing.

High-Taxed Cities Losing Residents Fleeing To Low Cost of Living Areas

The Chicago Mayor To Raise Property Taxes to cover a $700 million budget shortfall. The U.S. economy has been booming prior to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the city of Chicago under the watch of Mayor Lori Lightfoot was barely scraping by. The city has been broke prior to the pandemic when other cities like Indiana are thriving and raking in billions in revenue.

Chicago is the highest-taxed major U.S. city. With consistent rising taxes, the city still cannot seem to get its finances together. The pension debt is mounting with no signs of relief. No matter how much you raise and/or create new taxes, there is no way the pension system can be fixed. With billions of dollars in debt, the pension debt keeps on increasing. The city needs pension reform. The current pension system is being run like a Ponzi Scheme. In order for pension reform, the governor needs to take action and make changes to the state constitution. Unfortunately, Governor J.B. Pritzker adamantly does not want pension reform.

Both the state of Illinois and Chicago do have higher tax rates and cost of living than other cities and states. Home prices are above the national average. The state of Illinois has the second-highest property tax rate in the country. The city of Chicago has the highest property tax rate in the nation compared to any major U.S. city. High property taxes devalue home prices.

Chicago had a financial crisis prior to the pandemic. However, Mayor Lightfoot and Governor JB Pritzker are saying the city and the state were fine prior to the pandemic and are seeking a federal bailout due to the coronavirus pandemic. Lightfoot, with the help of Pritzker, has been lobbying Washington for federal funding to fix the budget and the broken pension system. However, the answer is a flat big NO.

Chicago Mayor To Raise Property Taxes: Aldermen Criticize Mayor

Chicago has been under the control of Democrats for many decades. The city has always had an issue with financial irresponsibility and a habit of budget shortfalls. However, the city has never been under such a deep and severe financial crisis as it is now under the leadership of Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Even Democrat Aldermen are turning against Lightfoot. 15th Ward Alderman Raymond Lopez, a frequent critic of Mayor Lightfoot, said the following:
Lori Lightfoot did not waste any time as soon as she took office last year in blaming former Mayor Rahm Emanuel for leaving her with an $838 million budget deficit. Lightfoot did not waste any time in hiking fees and taxes. Lightfoot immediately hikes fees on Lyft and Uber rides in downtown Chicago. The Mayor also more than doubled taxes on food and drinks in Chicago restaurants and bars.

Tens of thousands of businesses are fleeing Chicago to nearby suburbs. Many homeowners, especially elderly homeowners on a fixed income, can no longer afford the high property taxes in Chicago and are forced to leave. The exodus of individual taxpayers and businesses is compounding Chicago’s financial crisis. It is time for management change to salvage the city. The city needs competent politicians to fix Chicago’s major financial crisis.

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