Conventional Loans

Conventional Loan With Collection Accounts

Guidelines on Conventional Loan With Collection Accounts

Can You Get a Conventional Loan With Collection Accounts in 2024? If you’re worried about collection accounts and qualifying for a conventional loan, you’re not alone. Many homebuyers—especially first-time buyers—believe you need flawless credit and no collection accounts to qualify for a mortgage. Fortunately, that’s not the case! Eligibility for a conventional loan is possible…

Timeshare Foreclosure

Fannie Mae Versus Freddie Mac Roles In The Mortgage Process

Many people have heard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the two mortgage giants that purchase home loans from mortgage companies They then package them up and resell them to the secondary market as Mortgage Backed Securities also referred to as MBS Many folks wonder whether Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…

NON-QM Loans Versus FHA Back To Work Mortgages

FNMA Bankruptcy Guidelines To Qualify For Conventional Loans

This BLOG On FNMA Bankruptcy Guidelines To Qualify For Conventional Loans Was UPDATED On December 15th, 2018 FNMA Bankruptcy Guidelines are the rules and regulations that set the qualification requirements and standards for borrowers of Conventional Loans after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged date. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the two mortgage giants in the…

Types of Mortgage Options
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Types of Mortgage Options For Homebuyers

This guide will cover the types of mortgage options for homebuyers. Taking out a loan can be daunting, especially if you need to learn about mortgages. Wendy Lahn, a dually licensed real estate agent, and loan officer, shared the following: For starters, you should know that not all loans are the same, with the main…

Fixing Credit To Qualify f9r Fixing Credit To Qualify For Conventional Loans
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Fixing Credit To Qualify For Conventional Loans

Apply Now This article will cover fixing credit to qualify for conventional loans. Sometimes, mortgage borrowers needed conventional loans instead of FHA, VA, and USDA loans. For example, borrowers with very high student loan balances may only qualify for conventional loans. This is because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was the only loan program that…

Conventional Mortgage Guidelines

Conventional Mortgage Guidelines And Requirements For Borrowers

This article covers Conventional Mortgage Guidelines And Requirements For Borrowers  A conventional loan is a residential home loan that conforms to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage lending standards and guidelines. Lenders need to meet Conventional Mortgage Guidelines in order for them to sell loans they originate and fund on the secondary market to Fannie…

Conventional versus FHA Loans
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Conventional Versus FHA Loans Which Do I Choose?

In this article, we will cover comparing the benefits of conventional versus FHA loans.  Conventional and FHA loans are the two most popular mortgage loan options in the nation. Many folks, especially first-time homebuyers, do not realize which loan program is best for them. As far as they are concerned, a mortgage is a mortgage…

Home Path Renovation mortgage

Homepath Renovation Mortgage Financing Guidelines

This Article On Homepath Renovation Mortgage Financing Guidelines Was UPDATED And PUBLISHED On July 19th, 2019 The HomePath Renovation Mortgage was extremely popular at one time. This is where a home buyer can purchase a HomePath property which are properties that are owned by Fannie Mae HomePath homes are homes that have been foreclosed upon and…