Income And Employment

1099 Wage Earner Guidelines on Home Mortgages
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1099 Wage Earner Guidelines on Home Mortgages

This article will cover 1099 wage earner guidelines on home mortgages. Whether you are getting an FHA, USDA, VA, or conventional loan, all lenders will go by the same mortgage process regarding income and employment. Independent Contractors and 1099 Wage Earner Guidelines can qualify for a home. Workers must have at least two years working…

FHA Guidelines on Employment Gaps
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FHA Guidelines on Employment Gaps and Job Seasoning Requirements

This article will cover FHA guidelines on employment gaps and job seasoning requirements once borrowers return to work. FHA guidelines on employment gaps allow gaps in employment to qualify for FHA loans. One of the questions asked by lenders is two-year employment history. Most mortgage lenders require borrowers employed for two years in the same…