How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago

How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Poor Credit

Non-QM Mortgage Lenders wrote and published this blog on how do I buy my first house in Chicago to give homebuyers the good, bad, and ugly of being a Chicago homeowner. Chicago is hands down one of the most beautiful cities in the world. As the author of this guide on how do I buy my first house in Chicago, I have lived in Chicago and the suburbs since 1974. Once you know Chicago, you will consider Chicago home for life.
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How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Good Income But Bad Credit?

One benefit of working with a senior experienced loan officer at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders is we set ourselves apart from the competition. Our regional headquarters of Non-QM Mortgage Lenders is based in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois which is thirty minutes west of the city. Non-Mortgage Brokers, Inc., empowered by NEXA Mortgage, LLC. is licensed in 48 states, including Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Over 80% of our borrowers are folks who could not qualify at other lenders. We are teamed up with wholesale investors with no lender overlays on government and conventional loans. As our name states, Non-QM Mortgage Lenders, we have lending relationships with over 190 wholesale investors. We have access to every non-QM mortgage loan product in the market place.

Many millennials are pulling the trigger on a home purchase. With home prices appreciating and the insecurity of renting, there are more renters buying homes in the past 18 months than ever before. Sometimes owning a home has lower housing payments than renting. You do not need a 20% down payment, perfect credit, and high credit scores to qualify for a mortgage to buy a house in Chicago. The team at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders can help first-time homebuyers with credit scores down to 500 FICO qualify for a mortgage.

How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Less Than Perfect Credit?

The city has its share of problems but the demand for homes in Chicago will never diminish. In the following paragraphs, we will cover the frequently asked question by first-time homebuyers how do I buy my first house in Chicago with no credit or poor credit?
Over 75% of our clients at Non-QM Mortgage Lenders are borrowers who could not qualify at other mortgage companies either because of lender overlays or because the lender did not have the mortgage loan option suitable for them.

Why People Want To Buy a Home In Chicago

Still to this day, I have never been to a great city like Chicago. Downtown Chicago is amazing with Lake Michigan bordering the east section of the city. The city has more ethnic communities than any other city in the nation. For any ethnic food, you have a taste for, you will not find a selection of ethnic restaurants that are even a touch better than Chicago. The city is home to major top-tier universities such as the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Illinois, and a handful of five-star colleges and professional schools.  Everywhere you want to go in the city, you have access to public transportation.  Many residents of Chicago do not even own a car.
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Why Chicago Is The Best City To Live In The U.S.

Chicago is and always will be home. Although I do not live in Chicago today, I still visit the Windy City. Everything about Chicago is not good but GREAT. One exception is the politicians and politics of a large city. This is why in this guide on how do I buy my first house in Chicago, we will cover the benefits of living in Chicago, the great diverse cultural experience you will never experience anywhere else in your lifetime, and the negatives.
We will make sure this report is neutral and apolitical, and tell you the facts vs what you want to hear. We will cover Chicago home prices compared to the suburbs and other cities as well as getting a mortgage.

How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Bad Credit

Anyone with a 740 FICO credit score, a 30% debt-to-income ratio, a solid job with longevity, and a 20% down payment can qualify for a mortgage. However, that is always not the case. Extenuating circumstances happen to the best of us. Most folks will go through one or more periods where they have had an extenuating circumstance where they had periods of bad credit. For example, people that lost their jobs or they lost businesses lost their steady stream of income.

How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Collections and Charge-Off Accounts

When there is a disruption of a person’s income, the chances are they cannot make their monthly debt payments. Once you are behind on your debt payments, it is nearly impossible to catch up. The creditor places the account in collections or charges it off. Some creditors may even take the delinquent accounts further and pursue court action where a judgment may be entered. Many consumers have themselves so much in debt or get garnishments and judgments they need to file for bankruptcy.
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How Do I Buy My First House in Chicago With Good Income But Bad Credit?

Everyone does recover. It is not IF they recover, but WHEN they recover. When people recover, the damage to their credit has been done. So what happens next? How do I buy my first house in Chicago with bad credit and low credit scores? We will guide you on answering the question of how do I buy my first house in Chicago with bad credit in the following sections of this guide.

Buying First Home In Chicago With Today’s Rates

Home prices in Chicago are increasing despite the high city taxes, and political and economic problems facing the city. However, the appreciation of homes in Chicago lags behind other major cities. The demand is still strong for homes and home values are expected to increase through 2025. . Now with the major tax revenue losses from the coronavirus pandemic,  Chicago facing a budget shortfall which means more taxes.

Is It Wise To Buy a House in Chicago With Incompetent Politicians?

Both Lightfoot and Pritzker are hinting at federal bailout relief by the federal government. President Trump and most senior government officials said they will not be bailing out financially irresponsible and mismanaged states. No doubt it will cost more for you to live in Chicago than in the suburbs or other cities out of state. However, Chicago has a lot to offer for those who like a diverse culture, restaurants, job opportunities, and large ethnic communities. Many people would gladly pay a premium to live in Chicago than anywhere else in the country.

Chicago Housing Market Still Strong Despite Fleeing Residents

Both Lori Lightfoot and JB Pritzker are becoming increasingly unpopular among voters. There are many groups formed aimed at impeaching Lightfoot and Pritzker. To add fuel to the fire, Mayor Lightfoot made Chicago a Sanctuary City. Lightfoot is a proponent in providing benefits to illegal aliens when the city is flat broke. There is currently no property tax cap in Chicago and Cook County. Many Chicagoans have either fled and/or are thinking of fleeing Chicago to the Suburbs or other lower-taxed states.

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Chicago Mayor To Raise Property Taxes Due To Budget Shortfall

Other governors from other states were angered at the fact they may need to bail out financially mismanaged cities like Chicago. With no hopes for a federal bailout, Lightfoot is now resorting to another property tax hike. The budget shortfall is at least $700 million. The recent riots due to the death of George Floyd did not help the city. Despite the non-stop property tax increases and political turmoil in Chicago politics, home prices in Chicago are still on the rise. This means the demand outweighs the high cost of city living with higher tax rates.

Mayor Lightfoot condoned protests and told Chicago Police to leave rioters alone and limit the arrests. Lightfoot told protestors she promotes freedom of speech and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Protests turned into riots causing millions of dollars in damages throughout the city. Walmart and CVS Pharmacy threatened to move out of the city.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot hinted the COVID-19 pandemic had a big financial burden on City’s finances for months. She said it may affect Chicago’s budget due to a lack of revenues due to no revenues from non-essential businesses that closed. However, on Tuesday, June 9th, she had a press conference and made an announcement the city is facing a $700 million budget shortfall due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mayor Lightfoot’s Press Conference Announcing Budget Shortfall

The city has always had financial problems but due to the demand of the economic power the city has, Chicago has pulled through on every financial setback ever since the first Mayor Daley was mayor. The city did survive the additional loss of revenues from the coronavirus pandemic and the extensive damage by the rioters.  Lori Lightfoot had a press conference and released her 2023 city budget after announcing the City is facing a budget deficit of $127 million.  Mayor Lightfoot was proud of the $127 million shortage in the city budget because this number was substantially lower than the previous year’s $733 million budget deficit.

Has Chicago Always Been In Debt?

The federal government did help cities and states under the CARES Act funding. Chicago received $1.1. billion in funding through the CARES Act. Under the CARES Act, 54% of the funding, $613 million, needs to be allocated to specific programs.

The city has discretion on the other 46% of the $1.1 billion but needs to be spent on coronavirus-associated programs.
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Chicago Mayor To Raise Property Taxes Due To No Other Options

The experience and competence of politicians and lawmakers are more important now than ever.

Lightfoot also pushed through an increase to the personal property lease tax on some computer leases of cloud software and cloud infrastructure. The city’s trigger-happy tax increases are forcing many Chicagoans to flee the city to the suburbs and other lower-taxed states. It is not just individual taxpayers that are fleeing the city.

Chicago Housing Market Forecast

Chicago will never be out of money. For homebuyers who are worried they will lose their single largest investment, their home, due to the city going insolvent and bankrupt, that should not be a concern. The federal government will never let Chicago go under. However, Chicago will be running at a deficit for a long time unless you get rid of all career politicians and get a whole new team from the Mayor to Alderman who are competent and capable or running the city like a business. Will that ever happen? In this world, anything and everything is possible.

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How Do I Buy My First House In Chicago With Bad Credit?

This guide on how to buy my first house in Chicago was published on October 29th, 2022

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