Real Estate Topic

Buying a House in Hawaii
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Guide To Buying a House in Hawaii

This guide covers the steps to shopping and buying a house in Hawaii. Buying a house in Hawaii can be quite costly. Home prices in Hawaii are above the national average. Besides high home prices, everything in Hawaii costs more than the mainland U.S. Many homebuyers buying a house in Hawaii will discover that home…

Mortgage Markets
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How Mortgage Markets Impact Real Estate Investors

The mortgage markets plays a crucial role in the overall economy, and its performance significantly impacts various sectors, including real estate investments. Despite soaring inflation, the Federal Reserve Board keeps increasing interest rates, which means higher mortgage rates. Rising inflation and the potential for interest rate hikes in the future have introduced an element of…

Buying and Selling a Home at the Same Time
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What Do Home Inspectors Look For During Home Inspections

In this guide, Ronda Buts, a dually licensed realtor and loan officer at Gustan Cho Associates and the Editor in Chief of One Solution Real Estate, will cover the importance of home inspections when buying a home. A professional home inspection is essential if you or someone you know is planning to purchase a new…